This is an old list of items. Feel free to browse.

Please add more categories if your item can't fit one of the below categories.

TableWornCommon Names
Lights light light, orb, banner, candle
Rings finger ring, band
Necklaces neck necklace, cloak, neckguard, coif, circlet, amulet, cape, collar
Helms head crown, helm, helmet, horns, skull
Earrings ear earring, stud
Breastplates torso breastplate, platemail, scalemail, mail, plate, torso, robe, coat
Armguards arms armguards, armlets, sleeves, vambraces, arm bands
Gauntlets hands gauntlets, gloves, hands
Leggings legs leggings, greaves, legplates, legguards
Boots feet boots, sandals, slippers
Shields shield shell, shield
Cloaks body cloak, globe
Belts waist girdle, belt, girth
Bracelets wrist bracer, bracelet, wristguard, band
Weapons wielded
Wands Scrolls Staves held scroll, stave, staff, wand, instrument, potion
Masks face mask, faceguard, faceplate, face, veil
Floaters floating charm, orb, sphere, gem
Bows strung on back bow, bolt thrower, sling, slingshot, crossbow, shooter
Sockets noneblood, shard, heart, emblem, crystal, chunk

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    Last edited April 15, 2013 1:14 am by jibber (diff)
