The Ogre Village
        +─+────────────────────────────────────────The Chasm                  The Institute         
Sea Elven           Crystalmir                              \                        \                 The Elven   
   Cay               Caverns                       Tainted   \       The Dark        Barren Highlands  Kingdom   
     \                  |	                       Valley---Forest---Castle                      |       /      \                                             The    Temple of
The Dune           Crysta                      Chapel         of Banor              Minoma     |     The Great \                                                Volcano----Sreyb  
Sea                    lake       Slaughter        /              \                /     \     |     Elf Valley \             Elemental    Pyramid   The Brimstone |
  \                       \         House----Falen Dara            \         Mahn-Tor’s   \    |    /           Mountain Trail--Canyon      /        Pentagram     +       The Labrynth
  The-Dead-Sea-----------Sunken Ship               |                \           Dungeon    The North                   |                 The Sands         \       |          |  
                                   \               |                 \                       Road                      |                 of Sorrow       The Northern-----The Outerimits           
Gal Ranidon                         \Halfling      |          The     \         The Forward   |  \                     |                      /            Passage                |     
     \                               \ Hamlet—BH  Elium Forest—Clouds  Elderwood        Keep   |   Gasterides Fortress |              The Glass Spyres       /               Isle of Exile
The Western Underdark   Tombs of      \    |        /                  \             /        |                        |               /                    /                      |
          |           the Ancients----Haon Dor—Val Miran----------------The Eastern Road---Rheydin---------------------+----+------The Forsaken Lands----Miruvhor---------The Dragon Sea
The Great |                              |   |   |   /                        |               |                        |    |                |                 |              |
Landfill--+------------------------------+---|   |  /                         |               |                        |    |                |                 |           Galvatar’s Fancy       
     \        The Western Eridani------------+---+-/----The Eastern Eridani   |               |                        |    |                |      Ever Wild--+
      \      /                                    /                       \   |              /|                        |    |                |              /  | 
     The Troll	           The Music            /                        Thalos----Flying  / |              The Ford--+   Citadel of        |   Keep of Myran |
        Village	           Box House  Waterfall/            Gualorium      / \     Citadel/  |              /               Kaer Banor   Caranduin     Dammel |
                                    \    /                        \        /   \              |             /                                |                 |      The Western Underdark
                               Drkshtyre Wood                   Mount Khorand  Khorandain     |            /                          Ruins of Anduin          |                 |
                                   /          \ Ulraunt’s            |                        |            /                                              The High Tower---Xymmeria
                                  /            \  Manor     Swamp    Aria                    /| Cloud     /                                                /   |      
                                 /              \  |         |                       Tarandue | City   Werebeast City                               Mason of   The Dragon Tower
			    Ofcol              Escismir E’gal         Sanctuary of          |/      /                                            Malevolent
                                                                        Contraptions------The Blasted

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    Last edited June 5, 2011 11:06 am by (diff)
