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Religions | Cabals

Aabahran was scarred and burnt when the final battles of the War of the Legions had been won. The broken forces of the darkness that would be NEXUS and the rebellious ranks of KNIGHT had each taken refuge in the far corners of the world. But unbeknownst to them both, another force lay in waiting. Nearly a year to the day after the Great War, a tall featureless tower appeared unexplainably upon the horizon. It's walls were devoid of life, but the multitude of rooms were filled with scores of ancient tomes, moth-eaten and time-worn.

The massive doors of the tower remain closed for eons, turning away those who sought entrance within. But then, without explanation, they opened. Within the next few decades, magi from across the lands entered the tower and partook of it's knowledge. Armed with their new-found knowledge, they emerged from the Tower on a quest to drive ignorance from the lands, and educate the world in the ways of magic - eradicating all those who would oppose their indoctrination. For their hermetic ways, vast pools of knowledge, and lethal minds the populace of Aabahran dubbed these scholars SAVANTS.

SPECIAL TRAITS: Savant armies are summoned or created. Their armies cost extra to recruit and train, but are more powerful and always fly. Any mage or half-mage present in Savant owned area will receive their aid in regeneration of mental powers.

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    Edited May 21, 2012 2:36 am by Jibber (diff)
