LVLObjectRarity (value)MaterialWeightArmor ClassAffectsExtraLocation
44runed white beltCommon (464)leather35, 6, 0, 5mana by 10, hp by 5humCitadel of Kaer Banor on Cirluin
50spell turning helmUnique (4)granite59, 7, 6, 15savingspell by -2, savingaffl by -18, savingmental by -13, con by -1glow hum magicThe Ford on Daryth
55robe blueRare (5)cloth1013, 13, 13, 8savingmaled by -2, hp by 50invis magic antievilCloud Kingdom on Amshood
50necklace glowingRare (3)gems2 dex by -2, damroll by 2, hitroll by 1glow magic antievilCloud Kingdom on Avian Emissary
35helmet wingedCommon (7300)gold510, 10, 10, 5move by 50, dex by 2invis magic antievilCloud Kingdom on Avian Emissary
35CrossRare (20)wood29, 9, 9, 9mana by 15, dex by 2magic antievil antineutralEverwild on a Crusader
35steel leggingsCommon (5000)steel68, 8, 8, 8damroll by 1, hitroll by 1magic antievil antineutralEverwild on a Crusader
35sollerets bootsCommon (5000)steel88, 8, 8, 8hitroll by 1, move by 40, savingaffl by -1, savingmaled by -1magic antievil antineutralEverwild on a Crusader
35surcoatCommon (5000)leather59, 9, 10, 9damroll by 1, dex by 1, savingmaled by -1magic antievil antineutralEverwild on a Crusader
35shield melancholicCommon (5000)steel08, 8, 9, 8hp by 10, damroll by 2hum magic antievilEverwild
50silver circlet of divinityUnique (5)stone2 con by -2, wrath by 5, hitroll by 3glow antievilUnderdark on the Rat King
33rum stained leggingsCommon (500)leather208, 8, 9, 7savingmental by -2, savingmaled by -3, savingaffl by -2noneSunken Ship on the Dwarf Specter
24leather bodysuitCommon (500)leather206, 6, 6, 6str by 1, dex by -1antigoodSunken Ship on Elven Specter
27cloak gluttony ogreCommon (500)cotton67, 7, 7, 1savingmental by -1, savingaffl by -2, savingspell by -2noneSunken Ship on Ogre Specter
50emblemed cuffCommon (4)obsidian55, 5, 5, 5savingmaled by -3, damroll by 1, hitroll by 1noneCrystalmir Caverns on a Storm Giant Captain
49hydra bodyarmor armorCommon (400)steel2011, 11, 11, 5ac by -5, hitroll by 1, hp by 20, move by 10glow hum magic antievil
35black heartUnique (6)flesh1none damroll by -3, hitroll by -3, trance by -50evil noremove rotdeathMansion of the Malevolent on a Crazed Troll
0black crystal gem orbRare (5)pain0 int by -1, wis by -1, savingspell by -2dark noremove nonmetalSwamp
45shield glowingRare (5)gold1013, 14, 14, 11flashfire by 3, savingspell by -2, wis by 1glow invis magic bless antievil burnproofCloud Kingdom on a Storm Giant Emissary
50frost burned braceletRare (8)obsidian38, 9, 11, 5damroll by 3humThe Ford on Valcor
50pair scaled tentacles slimyRare (3)Flesh2014, 13, 8, 7hitroll by 1, damroll by 3nonmetalTainted Valley on Karakken
50gown samiteRare (8)bronze611, 11, 11, 11damroll by 2, hitroll by 1, mana by 20magic
44runed white robeRare (8)leather109, 10, 8, 0savingmental by -5, savingaffl by -8, ac by -8, enchant armor by 5humCitadel of Kaer Banor on Cirluin
40parrotRare (3)feathers7 hp by 15, savingspell by -2, savingmental by -3glowWaterfall on Ghristle pirate
27judgement stoneCommon (231)ether2 savingmental by -2, wis by 3, int by 1hum nodrop noremoveGasteride's Fortress on a Judge
25iron armorCommon (247)iron196, 7, 8, 4savingaffl by -3, hitroll by 1magicGasteride's Fortress on a Judge
27iron legging leggingsCommon (153)iron155, 6, 5, 2savingaffl by -3noneGasteride's Fortress on a Judge
40belt invokationRare (11)leather410, 10, 8, 0hp by 10, mana by 50glow hum psienhanceKeep of Miran Dammel on Ohrylok
40black medallionRare (3)bronze3 damroll by 3glow hum antigood psienhance socketableKeep of Miran Dammel on 3rd wight
30exotic animal hideRare (10)leather108, 8, 8, 7savingmaled by -3, savingmental by -2, damroll by 1nonmetalSlaughterhouse on Mr. Halon
0black pearlRare (3)pearl1 trance by 5, meditation by 5, hp by -15, mana by 25glow hum
30foul weather ponchoCommon (4000)hide39, 9, 9, 5hitroll by 2noneThe Great Chasm
50crown mightRare (6)gold39, 9, 11, 5hp by 20, damroll by 2, ac by -10, str by 4glow humSteel on Mist of Death
54segmented belt of crimson scalesRare (4)dragon220, 22, 17, 15damroll by 2, hitroll by 2glowSteel on Baron
54armor iceRare (4)ice2024, 25, 22, 20savingaffl by -15humSteel on Baron
41heavy steel bootsRare (4)steel2013, 13, 13, 0con by 1, dex by -1, damroll by 3, hp by 10magic antievil
50spiked light-steel steel bootsRare (6)steel1512, 12, 12, 0ac by -10, savingaffl by -5, hitroll by 2, damroll by 1glow humSteel on Nehmhael
50white skullRare (2)talc0 none nonenoneHigh Tower on a Mistress
20bracelet emeraldRare (5)emerald5 savingmaled by -5, savingaffl by -2, int by 1, ac by -5magicHigh Tower on Mistress
37green scale shirtRare (20)dragon910, 10, 10, 5ac by -5, dex by 3magicHigh Tower on a Mistress
50circlet arcaneRare (5)gold0 str by -2, mana by 100glowDischord on Bellenar
45loincloth stained oldRare (6)linen1010, 10, 10, 7dex by -1, hitroll by 1, savingaffl by -4, savingmaled by -3, savingmental by -3noneThe Great Landfill on Rat Chief
38small kite shieldRare (8)steel208, 8, 10, 8hp by 10, savingmental by -5, savingmaled by -3invis magicCrystalmir Caverns on Cleric
25boots rags dirt-stainedCommon (500)trash88, 8, 8, 6savingaffl by -2, damroll by 1, hitroll by 1, str by -1antigoodThe Great Landfill on a Rat Scout
25leather armor dirty greasyCommon (100)leather58, 8, 8, 4hitroll by 1, damroll by 1, savingaffl by -2, savingmental by -2antigoodThe Great Landfill on a Rat Scout
50stone circlet llothCommon (5)stone2 savingmental by -7, savingaffl by -2, savingspell by -2, hp by -10, mana by -15noneXymmeria
51shroud wizardryUnique (2)ether10, 0, 0, 20managain by 10, savingmaled by -6, savingmental by -8, savingspell by -2, hitgain by -10, damroll by -2hum invis antigoodFlying Citadel on Gethnern
50blue bracerCommon (400)steel15, 5, 5, 5mana by 15, hp by 15, ac by -5noneCrystalmir Caverns on Blue Sergeant
40emblemed helmetRare (10)steel1513, 13, 13, 0damroll by 2, savingmaled by -3, savingmental by -3magic antievilCrystalmir Caverns on Storm Giant Captain
55coral beltRare (20)coral2010, 10, 10, 10damroll by 1, str by 2, hitroll by 2magic antievil socketableCrystalmir Caverns on Storm Giant Captain
30elite helmCommon (50)steel16, 5, 5, 0int by 2, ac by -5none
25leggings steelCommon (50)steel17, 7, 3, 8dex by 2none
30armor elite bodyarmorCommon (40)steel158, 8, 4, 7con by 1, ac by -15none
50circletRare (5)leather812, 11, 11, 11damroll by 3, hp by 15, hitroll by 2magic antigoodEverwild on Imbessar
25brooch diamondCommon (980)diamond2 savingmental by -1, mana by 25magicDragon Tower on Holy Draconian
35ruby spectacles glassesRare (5)ruby0 detect hidden by 15, hitroll by 1, move by 10glow magicWaterfall on First Mate
30pearl earringRare (10)pearl0 hitroll by 1, damroll by 1glow noremove burnproof
30pirate's sashRare (5)silk27, 7, 7, 3damroll by 2, hitroll by 1, wis by -1, int by -1glow magic
60reaver's necklace largeRare (5)silver19, 8, 9, 5warcry by 5, berserk by 10, damroll by 3hum
30a cook's hatCommon (200)silk210, 10, 10, 9savingmental by -4noneWaterfall on a Cook
30cook's apronCommon (300)leather1010, 10, 10, 9hp by 20, savingmental by -3none
35pry barRare (4)steel3 defuse by 15, luck by 1, pick lock by 15hum magic
40acidic arrows acidRare (10)wood0 hitroll by 2glow magicWaterfall on Ghristle
35pirate's hatCommon (300)felt58, 8, 9, 4wis by 2, hitroll by 2antigood
40mask concealmentRare (5)leather29, 9, 9, 5wis by -1, hitroll by 1, hide by 3hum
37bracers defenseCommon (634)iron47, 9, 7, 6ac by -10, savingaffl by -5, savingmaled by -3glowWinter on Sinsiter Magi
37longevity hoodCommon (590)cloth306, 10, 11, 0age by -10, wis by 1noneWinter
55jewel encrusted beltUnique (2)jewels1011, 10, 10, 7spelllvl by -1, damroll by 2, savingspell by -3glow hum
55ogre leggingsRare (3)iron2510, 10, 10, 7damroll by 4, hitroll by -1, dex by -2hum
45goat hornsCommon (200000)adamantite45, 6, 8, 0savingaffl by -4, hp by -20, dex by 2hum psienhanceEverwild on Dhemon
45eog bodyarmorRare (10)leather89, 12, 11, 0savingaffl by -5, hp by 25hum antineutral psienhance socketable
58shield darkness crested eternalRare (2)adamantium288, 4, 12, 17dex by -1, con by -1, damroll by 4, hp by 25glow hum magic antigood antineutral noremoveThe Ford
0gnomish barrel breathing device !4700!Common (10)wood25, 5, 5, 0hitroll by 2burnproofSea Elven Cay
30shield huge towerCommon (4100)steel149, 9, 9, 3savingaffl by -5glow magicMinoma on Tyrgoth
35mangled shieldCommon (3000)iron98, 8, 7, 5hitroll by 2noneFlying Citadel
54warshield invulnerabilityUnique (4)adamantite253, 3, 3, 0savingmaled by -5, savingmental by -8, ac by -50glow hum nodropSteel on Nemhhael Gonturan
40razor edged armorCommon (25000)admantite209, 9, 9, 0damroll by 1, hitroll by 2, dex by -2humSteel
35helm weakeningRare (20)steel23, 3, 3, 3str by -10, con by -8none
60Annihilation SphereUnique (1)nothingness0 maledlvl by -1, affllvl by 1hum dark evil magic nodrop antigood antineutral noremove burnproof nouncurseTombsoftheAncients|Tombs of the Ancients]] on Lord Talex
40mask iron facemaskCommon (35)steel58, 10, 11, 2ac by -25, mana by 35antievil noremoveElven Kingdom on High Guardian
50razor clawsRare (3)steel412, 13, 11, 0damroll by 3glow hum psienhanceUnderdark on Davrikkah
50spiked steel gauntletsRare (10)steel412, 13, 11, 0damroll by 2, hitroll by 2glow hum psienhanceKeep of Myran Dammel on Mhordren
50Mara'deth KierUnique (2)paper0 savingmaled by -4, savingmental by -5, savingspell by -3, str by -2, con by -1glow hum
60starblade blade giantUnique (3)starstone30 parry by 3, two handed by 3, hitroll by 3, hp by -5glow antievil antineutral nolocate socketableSteel on Starslab
25tattered leggingsCommon (0)cloth11, 1, 1, 1savingmaled by -2, dex by 4nonmetalThe Volcano on Werewolf
15red bandanaCommon (5000)cloth00, 0, 0, 10hitroll by 2nonmetal
27witch-hunters hunters hatCommon (5900)cloth16, 6, 8, 4damroll by 2, con by 2, hitroll by 1magic nodrop bless antievil antineutral nonmetalThe Volcano on the Witchhunter
32werewolf's toothCommon (8600)bone17, 7, 4, 6str by 1, damroll by 2, savingmental by -2dark nonmetalThe Volcano on Werewolf
50Cycle shroudUnique (4)silk15, 10, 6, 7con by -3, ac by -10, hp by 20, mana by 40dark evil nodrop antigood antineutral nonmetalThe Volcano on the Priestess
45scarlet capeRare (4)wool314, 10, 12, 10savingspell by -2, move by 10, hp by 10, damroll by 1, hitroll by 1glow hum magic antievil rotdeath nonmetal
50centurian hauberkRare (10)chainmail2015, 15, 25, 15hitroll by 2, damroll by 2, dex by -1glow hum dark antigoodThe Volcano on Centurian
50scourge cloakRare (6)cloth110, 10, 10, 10hp by 25, damroll by 2, hitroll by 2, movegain by 10glow hum dark evil nodrop antigood antineutral nonmetalThe Volcano on Nightguant
48double plated helmRare (15)steel37, 9, 8, 7ac by -6, str by 1, savingmental by -6, savingmaled by -10glow hum magic
51black crystal leggingsRare (6)crystal209, 9, 9, 12dex by 1, move by 100, damroll by 1, hitroll by 2glow hum
44torment helmetCommon (652)unknown68, 9, 7, 10damroll by 1, savingaffl by 2, savingmental by -5glow hum
51gauntlets flamingRare (4)adamantite410, 10, 10, 10hitroll by 2, con by 1, str by 2, hp by 40hum invis magic antievil
50void leggingsRare (10)spacesuit111, 9, 5, 20savingaffl by -15, hitroll by 1, damroll by 1, dex by 1none
50shield gear spiked jagged soul tearRare (5)titanium2912, 11, 13, 10savingspell by -5, two handed by -10, shield block by 5, hp by 5, savingmaled by -3, mana by 5nodrop antievil noremove socketable
30grey veilRare (8)silk15, 5, 5, 5dex by 1, str by 1, damroll by 1, hitroll by 1glow antigood antievilHigh Tower on Grey Master
50golem's hand rheydin golemCommon (2000)metal110, 10, 10, 10savingspell by -2, mana by 15, hp by 20, damroll by 2, hitroll by 2glow antigood antievil inventory
50Undead Fist MiruvhorCommon (2000)flesh15, 5, 5, 5hitroll by 6, damroll by 6glow antigood antineutral inventory
50Ivory Palm Val MiranCommon (2000)ivory115, 15, 15, 15savingspell by -5, hp by 40, mana by 30glow antievil antineutral inventory
30leather beltCommon (1000)leather14, 3, 6, 3dex by 2noneBrimstone Pentagram on Demoncult follower
30ring goldCommon (5000)gold2 con by 1, damroll by 1, hitroll by 1glow
50shield erythane houseUnique (2)meteriorite1021, 19, 18, 10dex by 3, hp by 5glow hum magic nodrop antigood psienhance burnproof nouncurseTombs of the Ancients on Rekirth
42cape black dragonhideRare (3)meat411, 10, 14, 19dex by -1, savingmental by -1, hp by 5, damroll by 1, hitroll by 2burnproof
50adeptus's legsRare (2)?clock parts?3312, 11, 13, 7move by 75, dex by 3, hitroll by 1, damroll by 2, thrust by 5, bash by 5, bodyslam by 5hum
51a pair of black energy hessiansUnique (3)black energy1010, 8, 8, 14savingmental by -2, savingspell by -1, savingmaled by -4, hitroll by 1, damroll by 2glow hum evil rotdeathMansion of the Malevolent on Vlad
50hood executioner executioner'sCommon (1800)leather510, 10, 10, 10third eye by 5, hitroll by 3, savingspell by -2, behead by 5inventory
50order platemail plate mailCommon (1500)godforged steel1515, 15, 15, 10hitroll by 2, damroll by 3, movegain by 2, managain by 2, hitgain by 2inventory burnproof
50red cloak adjudicator adjudicator'sCommon (1000)cloth010, 10, 10, 15hp by 10, savingspell by -5hum inventory
50purple cloak council council'sCommon (1000)cloth010, 10, 10, 15savingspell by -5, hp by 10hum inventory
60Armplates Etched AcidUnique (3)adamantite119, 22, 23, 10savingspell by -2, savingmaled by -8, savingmental by -6, luck by 1glow hum dark nolocate burnproof
60Bracelet Eternal LiesRare (3)lies112, 8, 11, 7savingspell by -5, savingaffl by -8, savingmental by -6, path of deceit by 15glow hum antigood burnproofTombs of the Ancients on Zseth
51the dark armlets of VladimereRare (8)amaranthine413, 14, 15, 14str by 1, hp by 15, hitroll by 1, damroll by 2glow hum evil antigood antineutral
5feces ball neat maskUnique (3)Feces06, 6, 5, 10move by 10, mana by 25, dysentery by 25, savingmental by -1hum blessBathhouse on Feces Golem
40clouds amuletUnique (2)gold1 savingmental by -8, mana by 75, managain by 5invis magic antievilCloud Kingdom on Amshood
40fine elven leggingsRare (6)mithril56, 8, 7, 9savingmaled by -2, hitroll by 2, dex by 2, dirt kicking by 5hum antievilCitadel of Kaer Banor on Ammodean
35double plated leggingsRare (15)steel48, 8, 9, 10damroll by 1, hitroll by 1, dex by 2glow
50Solid shadowUnique (5)Shadow112, 5, 10, 8hitroll by 1, damroll by 1, sneak by 5, hide by 5, vanish by 5, backstab by 2, assassinate by 2evil magic antigoodTainted Valleyon Essence of Evil
45shark skinned sleevesRare (3)shark1814, 13, 11, 0hitroll by 1, damroll by 2glow hum
50livingwood living wood girthCommon (1000)livingwood510, 10, 10, 10savingmaled by -3, savingaffl by -3inventory
50shield livingwood living woodCommon (1400)livingwood3010, 10, 10, 10hitroll by 2, damroll by 2, shield block by 3inventory
50livingwood wood plateCommon (1500)livingwood1515, 15, 15, 10damroll by 3, hp by 25, hitroll by 2antigood antievil nonmetal burnproof
50cat eye mask cat'sCommon (1800)Cat's Eye512, 12, 12, 12planar seal by 5, webbing by 5, hitroll by 2, damroll by 2inventory
30sturdy leather vestCommon (50)leather79, 9, 9, 10hitroll by 2, dex by 2meltdrop
30belt vinesCommon (50)plant39, 9, 9, 8hitroll by 2, luck by 3meltdrop
30soft padded bootsCommon (50)leather59, 9, 9, 9hitroll by 2, mana by 30meltdrop
35metal marked bracerRare (10)Iron129, 8, 7, 2savingspell by -1, hitroll by 1, damroll by 1magicTainted Valley on Giant Roc
10rusty dented armorCommon (50)steel206, 5, 6, 0dex by -1, hitroll by 1bless antievilTainted Valley
30chasm dragon scalesCommon (3700)scales411, 9, 12, 6damroll by 2, savingmaled by -1, dex by -1magic antievil antineutral
30claws chasm dragonCommon (3700)scales49, 9, 9, 4damroll by 2magic antievil antineutral
30chasm dragon skull helmCommon (7000)scales59, 9, 9, 4wis by 1, dex by -1, hitroll by 1, damroll by 1magic antievil antineutral
30leggings chasm dragonCommon (3700)scales99, 9, 9, 4savingmaled by -1, dex by -1, damroll by 2magic antievil antineutral
30chasm dragon shieldCommon (6900)scales710, 10, 10, 5savingmaled by -1, hitroll by 2magic antievil antineutral
30armguards chasm dragonCommon (3700)scales99, 9, 9, 4hp by 5, damroll by 2, dex by -1magic antievil antineutral
30torso chasm dragonCommon (6400)scales109, 9, 9, 4dex by -1, hitroll by 2, savingmaled by -1magic antievil antineutral
50reflecting maskRare (4)magic04, 5, 6, 9con by -1, trance by -5, savingaffl by -4, savingmental by -3, savingspell by -1glow antineutral socketableGal Ranidon on Foreman
50garb assassinCommon (25)leather817, 17, 17, 0str by 2, dex by 1, ac by -9glow hum magicWinter
58Cloak WinterwolfUnique (3)winterwolf fur308, 7, 9, 4wis by -3, dex by -1, hitroll by 2, damroll by 2glow nonmetal
25ring rubyCommon (980)ruby1none hp by 15magicUnderdark on Drow Slave Master
50leggings reflectionUnique (2)steel712, 11, 13, 6reflective shield by 5, force field by 5, protective shield by 5, spell turning by 5, savingmaled by -4, savingaffl by -4, savingspell by -2, str by -1glowDischord
50bloodied mask tormentUnique (2)Flesh510, 8, 11, 7con by -1, remove curse by -100, str by 2, damroll by 3dark invis nodrop bless antigood antineutralBathhouse on Morient
50shroud undeathUnique (1)undeath57, 4, 5, 8str by -1, damroll by 1, hitroll by 1, savingspell by -5glow hum antigoodDischord on Puppetmaster
50amulet sanctityUnique (2)eternity1 savingspell by -4, savingmaled by -3, savingaffl by -6, hp by 10, ac by -5glow hum antievil burnproofDischord on Adelyn
0a sloth's peltCommon (30)fur24, 2, 5, 2damroll by 1none
50a sloth tailCommon (30)sloth27, 7, 10, 8hitroll by 1glow
45jagged armor plating iron maiden iron-maidenRare (12)steel6015, 15, 15, 0damroll by 2, int by -9, wis by -8, mana by -80, hp by 20hum
50dark wood chastity beltCommon (4)wood815, 15, 15, 0dex by -1, hitroll by 1glow
50titanium powerfists fists spikedRare (2)titanium2114, 15, 14, 10two handed by 6, armored rush by 6, str by 1, hitroll by 2, damroll by 2socketable
50adeptus's upper armsRare (2)'clock parts'3019, 21, 22, 18shoulder smash by 5, str by 3, dex by -2, damroll by 3, hitroll by 2hum noremove burnproof nouncurse
40sleeves satanicUnique (1)ethereal509, 9, 9, 15savingaffl by -3, savingspell by -5, savingmaled by -5, hp by 40, luck by -4, con by -2glow hum antigood
44gasteride earrings earringCommon (5)unknown0 hitroll by 2glow evil magic antineutral[[Gasteride’sFortress|Gasteride’s Fortress]] on Gasteride
48plated steel torsoUnique (2)steel208, 8, 8, 6hitroll by 1, dex by -2, damroll by 2, savingaffl by -5hum magic
50lethal leather glovesRare (3)leather59, 11, 13, 0dex by 1, damroll by 3glow
50Band OrderUnique (2)adamantite210, 10, 10, 10damroll by 4, hp by 10glow hum
50ice amuletRare (5)ice2none savingaffl by -10glow humDischord on Souryth
50vanguards vanguard visor vanguard'sCommon (1800)godforged steel115, 16, 17, 15hitroll by 4glow bless burnproof
50holy full fullplate plate blessed blessCommon (1500)godforged steel1515, 15, 15, 10savingspell by -2, mana by 20, hp by 20, damroll by 2, hitroll by 2glow bless inventory burnproof
50tower shield thee'dlor thee dlor theedlor spikedCommon (1400)godforged steel3724, 23, 25, 18savingspell by -3hum noremove psienhance
40surcoat silk emblazonedCommon (1000)silk510, 10, 10, 10hp by 75inventory
0skull whiteCommon (10)bone301, 1, 1, 0dex by -4magic nodropSewers
27turtle dragon shellRare (8)turtle1010, 9, 8, 5hitroll by 4, ac by -15, savingspell by -1glow bless burnproofCrystalmir Lake on Turtle dragon
40Chukchi charm stringUnique (3)life1 int by 2, savingspell by -3invis magic
52sphere lifeCommon (0)life0none hitgain by 15hum rotdeath
40diamond studded wristguardCommon (0)diamond014, 13, 18, 14hitroll by 3, savingspell by -1hum rotdeath
50gauntlets dark goldCommon (0)gold109, 9, 8, 9damroll by 2, hitroll by 1, second attack by 5none
30armor shadow plateRare (10)shadow312, 12, 12, 12damroll by 3, savingmaled by -3socketable
5pair eyeballsCommon (50)flesh0none hitroll by 1magic
30sash supportCommon (10000)silk1none con by 3, hp by 15magic
50grinning mask deathRare (2)brass45, 5, 7, -12dex by 1, con by -3, hp by 15, ac by -10, damroll by 3glow hum dark evil antigood
50cloak dark souled necromancerCommon (8)cloth11, 1, 1, 1ac by -10, mana by 50nodrop antigood antineutral noremove
30mind ringCommon (1520)steel3 mana by 30, savingmental by -1magicMinoma on Nexus agent
30old broochRare (4)ivory5none hp by 40noneMinoma on Emissary
35silver battle armorRare (10)silver1511, 11, 11, 11savingmaled by -4, hp by 25, hitroll by 2, damroll by 1glow magic antievil antineutralMinoma on Margreth
35shield hornsCommon (4)steel1010, 10, 10, 8savingaffl by -5, damroll by 2, two handed by 3, shield block by 3none
30padded bootsCommon (2000)Cotton46, 6, 6, 6move by 35evil magicMinoma on Emissary
30old necklaceCommon (10000)gold3 mana by 10, savingspell by -2none
30old braceletCommon (7000)marble8 con by 1, savingmental by -3, savingmaled by -1none
20snow coatCommon (5000)fur127, 9, 7, 8savingmaled by -3, savingaffl by -3none
20steel pauldronCommon (5000)steel108, 8, 8, 5savingaffl by -2, savingmaled by -3none
20war skirtCommon (5000)steel98, 8, 8, 5savingmaled by -3, savingaffl by -2none
20golden nose ringCommon (5000)gold28, 8, 8, 5savingmaled by -3, savingaffl by -2none
10reading glassesCommon (300)steel1none int by 2, savingmental by -3none
50Stetson helmUnique (2)leather812, 11, 11, 10hitroll by 2, damroll by 4glow invis magicEverwild on Ranger
50leather sleeves wornUnique (2)life08, 7, 5, 16savingspell by -5, savingmaled by -6, savingmental by -2, teleport by 35, word of recall by 35, gate by 35, portal by 35glow bless antievil burnproof
50sphere broken terminatorRare (3)?broken clockparts?18, 7, 8, 4hitroll by 5hum
52Warpaint Chieftain'sUnique (2)paint06, 11, 2, 1savingmaled by -6, savingmental by -1, savingspell by -3hum nonmetal nolocate burnproof
52Hair Maiden ChasteUnique (2)hair03, 2, 3, 0hitroll by 2, damroll by 2, adds protect_evil affect hum invis magic bless antievil antineutral nonmetal
50Boots Burnished AdamantiteRare (3)malformed adamantite308, 6, 9, 1con by -1, damroll by 3, hitroll by 2glow dark
38steel cuffed bracerCommon (3)steel26, 6, 6, 2str by 1, hitroll by 3glow hum magicDune Sea on Lugard
50cursed bone earringsRare (3)bone1none mana by 50, savingspell by -2, savingmental by -7, str by -3noremove nouncurseThe Labrynth on the Lich King
50power beltRare (3)leather210, 10, 10, 7hitroll by 5, damroll by -1, spelllvl by -1burnproof
30leather rainbow colored loinclothRare (10)leather06, 6, 6, 3movegain by 5, damroll by 2noneGal Ranidon on Dancing Dueregar
20sandy ringCommon (1300)sand5 int by 1, mana by 20, savingmental by -1hum magic
32sphinxian leggingsCommon (7800)sand209, 9, 9, 2str by 2, move by 30, savingaffl by -3magic antievil
5golden sphinxCommon (550)gold5none wis by 1magic
20helm sturdy elvenCommon (20)steel16, 5, 7, 1none
20elven sturdy breastplateCommon (20)steel57, 8, 5, 2none
20leggings sturdy elvenCommon (20)steel35, 2, 3, 2none
20sturdy-looking elven shield sturdyCommon (20)steel56, 5, 5, 3none
50crown lunar trinityRare (10)silver26, 5, 7, 3savingmaled by -6, savingmental by -8, savingspell by -1, hitroll by 1glow hum antievilElven Kingdom on Princess Orelinde
0engraved wedding bandCommon (180000)gold0 str by -1, dex by -1, damroll by 3glow nodrop noremove nouncurse
0diamond wedding ringCommon (100000)gold0 con by 6glow
0golden tiaraCommon (95000)gold0 wis by 4glow
0platinum choker moonstoneCommon (95000)platinum0 wis by 4glow
20sapphire braceletCommon (11500)sapphire5 hitroll by 2glow magic
40silver chandelier earringsCommon (6000)Silver02, 2, 2, 2glow magic antievil
55famous cloak stalatharataUnique (3)cloth27, 7, 6, 4hitroll by 3, ac by -10hum antievil rotdeathElven Kingdom on Marquis
50Adeptus's TorsoUnique (2)?clock parts?7023, 26, 25, 22damroll by 5, hitroll by 2, str by 4, dex by -3hum noremove burnproof nouncurse
25shadowlife shadow orbCommon (5000)obsidian5none mana by 10, int by 1, hp by 5, con by 1hum dark magic antigood
25ring dark darknessRare (8)iron1 savingmental by -2, savingmaled by -2, wis by 1hum dark magic antigood noremove nouncurse
60Unholy shadow velphaneUnique (2)shadows09, 11, 16, 14savingaffl by -7, savingmental by -4, savingspell by -5, savingmaled by -7glow dark evil invis nonmetal burnproof
50Darkness Glyph AncientUnique (2)blood01, 1, 1, 20savingspell by -4, savingmaled by -10, savingmental by -5, savingaffl by -8, mana by 25hum dark evil invis magic noremove nonmetal burnproof nouncurse
50mighty glowing blinding shield iridescentUnique (2)Light1010, 12, 8, 12sear by 5, savingaffl by -8, savingmaled by -2, hitroll by 2glow magic bless
20pair serrated clawsCommon (3102)bone110, 11, 8, 9savingaffl by -3, damroll by 1, hp by 10nonmetal
45cloak splatter splattered demon bloodRare (5)ethereal212, 11, 12, 10damroll by 3, hp by 10, move by 20antievilThe Volcano on Demon Hunter
55worn leather beltCommon (1)life111, 10, 12, 15savingmental by -6, savingspell by -5, savingmaled by -5, dex by 1, str by 1glow bless antievil antineutral socketable
60bracer torment Graz'ztRare (8)steel59, 8, 12, 2con by -1, hp by -25, damroll by 4glow hum antigood psienhance
60Skin Horrific RefractedUnique (2)refracted horror skin024, 17, 26, 18dex by 1, savingmental by -15glow hum psienhance nonmetal nolocate burnproof
60Bracelet Everlasting HatredUnique (2)hatred112, 6, 14, 5damroll by 4, hitroll by -4glow hum burnproof
50Pelt Leopard SnowRare (2)snow leopard fur3010, 6, 11, 7mentallvl by -1, ac by -10, hitroll by 3, dex by 2, damroll by 1glow antievil psienhance nonmetal
50chain linked beltUnique (7)chain58, 9, 7, 0hitroll by 1, damroll by 3, mana by -20, hp by -10, charm person by 5, con by 2hum antigood
15spectacles wire rimmedCommon (2600)steel2none savingmental by -2, int by 2magic
30sleeves platinumCommon (6300)platinum409, 9, 9, 3hp by 10, str by 2magic antievil
25sleeves mithrilCommon (2700)mithril108, 8, 8, 2savingmaled by -2, hitroll by 1magic antievil
8encased hydra studCommon (651)steel00, 0, 0, 0luck by 1, ac by -10none
29cloak whiteCommon (3300)cloth7 ac by -7, savingaffl by -4, savingmental by -4magic bless antievil antineutral
27helm mithrilCommon (3400)mithril108, 8, 8, 2savingmaled by -2, hitroll by 2magic antievil
29skull dragonhelm redCommon (7000)dragon159, 9, 9, 4wis by 2, damroll by 2, dex by -1magic antigood

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